Friday, January 2, 2009

Salvation Police

I just saw an internet video talking about "unsaved believers" (people who trusted Christ but are not actually saved)...don't believe it! Granted, there are those who claim to be Christians who have never trusted Christ's death, burial and resurrection as payment for their sin but this video attempts to minimize faith in Christ and scare folks into righteous behavior by telling them they are not really "saved" unless they are living right. Remember, man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart (1 Sam 16:7) are important but they are not the defining issue around a person's salvation. Over the last 30 years I've seen all kinds of "salvation police" telling folks they are not really saved 'cause they haven't met some standard of consistent behavior...don't get fooled by these folks. God's grace is so amazing and so free to all who will receive it that some well meaning people get scared and try to help out God (they don't want to espouse "cheap grace" as they put it). God's grace is most certainly free but in no way cheap (it cost Christ everything). Grace and freedom in Christ can be scary; let God take responsibility for each His beloved children and don't fall into the "salvation police" trap. Love, encourage and build up each other in the faith.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Walk Through the Bible Rap

I found this video on God Tube...ok, it's not "exactly" a complete overview of the Bible but in less than a minute you get the highlights. I call it a modern day "Walk Through the Bible" rap (well, if you want accuracy I'd stick with "Walk Through the Bible" but you have to admit these guys do a pretty good job in under a minute).