Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Life has been so busy...I can't believe it's Christmas! I pray you have a great Christmas and an awesome new year! I'm finishing up a new "rack card" (like the Battle Blueprint and In Adam / In Christ cards) called "Setting the Mind". It should go to print in January if not sooner...I hope you will find it helpful.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

God's Original Masterpiece

The below is a great skit around who you are God's original masterpiece. Well done by "The Skit Guys".

Sunday, July 12, 2009


What a great message this morning at Browns Bridge Community Church by Ben Crawshaw (alias Mr. Takeout as many of us with kids may know him). If you're in the area, check out the "Solomon Says" series July 12, 19, 26 at Browns Bridge, Northpoint or Buckhead church. So many folks struggle with "Approval" and have struggled for years. Ben pointed out a great verse in Proverbs 29:25 that explains "To fear anyone will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe [TNIV]". Don't you just love Proverbs...short, sweet and right to the point. The "need for approval" is often fueled by a fear of rejection and as the verse says, is simply a trap. We end up doing things we might not do because we crave that approval so much and in the end, it was never worth the sacrifice of our conscience. I've fallen in the approval trap more times than I care to admit and I'm sure you have as well. Feeling and experiencing the approval of others in not wrong in and of itself, in fact, it feels great but you'll never fill that "need" of acceptance and approval on your own. Jesus Christ, through His death, burial and resurrection, has already accepted you "in Christ". As a believer, you have God's approval and acceptance right now apart from anything you can or ever will do. As Proverbs 29:25 continues, "whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe". Are you trusting Him for your approval and acceptance? Will you choose the truth that you have nothing more to prove to God since Jesus did it all on your behalf (unless you think you can add something Jesus forgot or failed to accomplish)? As you start to wrap your brain around this truth your "need" to chase approval from others will start to diminish. Right now allow Christ to transform you from chasing approval to receiving His love.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A few thoughts on Hebrews 10

I've been reading through the book of Hebrews and again find myself at Hebrews 10:26. For many, this is a very tough passage to dissect. Although there are many smart commentators out there, if you're looking for a simple approach to understanding these verses, you've come to the right place (simple is about as much as my brain can muster). The author of Hebrews, speaking to an apparent Jewish audience mixed with believers and unbelievers alike, articulates some awesome insight around the new covenant vs. the old and specifically in this chapter, one sacrifice (of Christ) vs. many sacrifices (as performed by the Levitical priests). I love the following verses:

“By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, waiting from that time onward UNTIL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL FOR HIS FEET. For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.” (Heb 10:10-14 NAS95S)

I believe the author is leveraging the "old system (Heb 10:1)" of Jewish laws and sacrifices to explain the reality of Christ and His grace. For some believers in the crowd, the author is replacing some of the old thinking with new truth. For the unbelievers in the crowd, the author is providing the big picture and persuading them to come to faith in Christ. The author sums up to this point that “where there is forgiveness of these things, there is no longer any offering for sin.” (Heb 10:18 NAS95S). Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross is a once and done deal...there are no more offerings necessary to deal with the sin issue (Jesus is the reality and fulfillment of the old system of sacrifices and law). Next, the author appeals to the non-believers in the audience with some additional application of course for those who know Christ. I believe Hebrews 10:19-25 is part invitation to accept Christ and part exhortation to keep the faith. He encourages the non-believers to come in "through the veil" with "full assurance of faith" for the cleansing of their soul (pointing to the ceremonial washings and sprinkling of blood). I read this as "come on in to forgiveness and new life by grace through faith in Christ"...a Jew would never think to go behind the curtain to the holy of holies but now that veil has been torn through the death of Christ with an invitation for all to enter in. The author further exhorts all to hold fast their faith without wavering during the difficult times ahead because God is faithful no matter what happens; he also reminds them to encourage one another and not forsake meeting together. What a great invitation and encouraging message, but the reality is there are many who will not believe.

For those who choose not to believe ("sinning willfully" as described in Heb 10:26) and come "through the veil" (i.e., via the sacrifice of Christ) after hearing and receiving the truth in various forms (written and oral), "there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a terrifying expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES (Hebrews 10:26-27 NAS95S)." If you are "in Christ" you are NOT God's adversary...on the contrary, you are sanctified and forgiven (I do not see this at all as a believer who went AWOL back to their former life...we're talking someone who, after hearing the truth, simply rejects Christ's offer of forgiveness and life)! If you reject the truth and sacrifice of Jesus at the cross, there's no other way to deal with your sin. The author further clarifies in Hebrews 10:28-31with a comparison of the severity of breaking the law of Moses as determined by two or three witnesses verses one "who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace." The person in question here has "regarded as unclean [or common, ineffective] the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified" and in rejecting Christ, "insulted the Spirit of grace" (Hebrews 10:29 NASB95S)". Breaking the Law of Moses was bad, but rejecting the offer of grace and forgiveness in Christ has eternal consequences.

Well, I'll stop at this point...I'm sure many of you have some great additional insights other than what I've shared above. I hope you found it helpful as you study this important chapter of the Bible. Talk with you soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Freedom Focus Podcast

Mike Quarles and I are meeting on Thursday to discuss recording some more FreedomFocus podcasts (we received some good comments when we recorded the shows and even more recently have received repeated requests to continue). We're thinking about a 20 minute format that's a bit more informal...still in the discussion phase. More to come I'm sure...thanks for your support.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love is a verb

Our Pastor has begun a new message series titled "Staying in Love"...if you enjoy listening to Andy Stanley you will really like this first message. Andy forced me to look at my own actions to determine if my behaviors are "loving", not just if I feel "love". Often the community of grace will shy away from a focus on "doing" (and justifiably so as doing in our culture often mistakenly equates to a higher level of spirituality or intimacy with God)...let me offer some words of encouragement from my personal floundering in this area beginning with a question, how are you loving your spouse right now (I had to ask myself that question, and I didn't like the answer)? Proactive acts of love (a hug, kiss, act of service, genuine conversation, sacrifice, et. al) are a major ingredient for finishing strong in your marriage. Are you trapped by the lie of reciprocity as I was that says "if she did, I would", standing firm in your house made of sand? I'm glad our Savior had a different model...He FIRST loved us and demonstrated that love through the cross. For me, the lie included a component where my spouse must earn my love that also included withholding my love until she measured up to my expectations (I know, pretty's just the ugly, fleshly truth). If you relate in any way to that sorry way of thinking, make a decision today to reignite your love (ask God for His grace to "love through you"...He IS Love)...take "actions" to save your marriage and/or make it even stronger. Remember that love in the scripture is a verb, not a thing to obtain or emotional place to long for...feelings and emotions will eventually follow when you make the choice to love your spouse.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


My wife is loving her new Kindle 2 eBook is easy to use and carry around (vs. keeping up with multiple books) and the battery lasts a long time. I was thrilled when they released the iPhone / iPod Touch Kindle ebook reader application. Although you can not purchase ebooks via the iPhone application, you can download any Kindle ebook to your iPhone / iPod Touch once purchased via the web site. I love it. I'm currently reading Brennan Manning's "The Ragamuffin Gospel" is easy to read on my iPod Touch and so convenient. I'm definitely a convert.

Not to be out done, Barne's & Nobel acquired Fictionwise (online eBook distributer) that may offer the Amazon Kindle some competition (iPhone and iPod Touch users might be familiar with Stanza, a great eBook reader application that interfaces very well with Fictionwise). I was thrilled that Stanza was able to import my old Palm eBooks...pretty cool.

Since we're talking about eStuff, you might have guessed by now that I'm an iPod Touch owner and love it. Two Bible applications worth checking out include Mantis Bible Study Application (free KJV as well as paid for Bible translations and study modules) and the popular "YouVersion" online web bible application simply called "Holy Bible" (online translations available for free). Mantis stores the entire text of whatever you purchase on the device (so you can use it w/o out a wifi or cellular connection) where YouVersion's Holy Bible application can only be used when you have a connection to the internet (although it does allow you to download a cache of what you're reading so you can read offline; you just can't read beyond what you specify for off-line reading). Good stuff...good tools.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Great Ministries

Just finished redesigning some ministry web sites for two good friends (well, web sites are rarely "finished"). Check out Mike Quarles Grace Walk Recovery Ministries at and also Pat Higginbotham at Mike works with Steve McVey (from Grace Walk) and has been running a recovery ministry for many years; Pat is a licensed counselor, specializes in child and family issues and serves as an expert witness in child abuse cases. Enjoy the sites.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Keep learning

You post a blog and God brings more insight to your mind...can you believe it! Well, that's what happened to me. I did update and edit the previous blog last night as God continues to teach me more on 1 Cor. 10:13. Have a great day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A way of escape

I just heard a message the other day on 1 Corinthians 10:13...good message and very targeted illustrations. I thought I'd give a few thoughts as well.

When you look at 1 Corinthians 10 you'll notice Paul making reference to Israel coming out of captivity and into the wilderness (with the ultimate goal of the Promised Land). While in the wilderness, Paul draws our attention to some pretty rough times for Israel. In fact, 10:6 says "now these things happened as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they also craved." Paul is about to give us some highlight (or low lights) in hopes we will not repeat history! Remember, they were in the wilderness and even after seeing incredible miracles were confused, stressed out, unsure of their future and more. Israel turned away from dependence on God and turned to idols (something they could see and touch which actually gave them a false sense of control). Bad decision that led to all sorts of issues and temptations including immorality, complaining and even putting God to the test! Verse 12 warns us to be careful and alert lest we fall (sometimes when we think everything is going our way the bottom can drop out along with our faith). Fall into what you might ask? Well, perhaps fall into the same lack of dependence on Christ when circumstances begin spinning out of our control! After that warning from Paul we come to 1 Corinthians 10:13.

No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13 NAS95S)

First, the word temptation..."peirasmo".

3986. peirasmo/ß peirasmos, pi-ras-mos´; from 3985; a putting to proof (by experiment (of good), experience (of evil), solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity: — temptation, x try. [Strong's Exhaustive Concordance]

Trials and temptation go hand in hand (Temptation may not always involve a specific trial or adversity but trials and adversity always bring with them some type of temptation). Temptation is the internal struggle to trust God and His way or me and my way...the "trial" is the external circumstances influencing that internal struggle. "Peirasmo" is translated both "temptation" and "trial" or "test" so the context drives our understanding of the word. In 1 Corinthians 10 the context involves trials and the corresponding temptations.

Adversity in our life offers unique opportunities for temptation. Israel was going though some tough times and yielded to temptation in turning away from their complete dependence on God. In verse 13 I believe the Lord is telling us that similar trials and the corresponding temptations we experience have been faced by others ("common to man"), just like in Israel (wandering in the wilderness, uncertainty, lack of control, where will I get my next meal, et. al.). The driving point of 10:13 is the fact that through it all,


Israel was blinded to the fact of God's faithfulness (we get that way too, especially when we focus on everything that's going wrong). We can be comforted, however, that God is sovereign over the trials of life and does provide a "way of escape" so we can endure them. Now, does God allow things in our life we believe are unbearable that eventually break us?...absolutely! Brokenness in depending on ourself will drive us to trust HIm as our very Life...that is the plan! The Israelites felt trapped with no where to turn...perhaps you feel that way as well (don't worry, remember, it's common to all of us). What do we learn from Israel? Don't fall into the same temptation; remember that God is faithful. The over arching temptation here is trusting yourself or others vs. God; the "way of escape" is not just the end of the trial but also the solution "so that you will be able to endure it". What is the solution or "way of escape" for me to endure the trials in my life? Well, the strategy in every temptation and the solution to endure any trial IS our faithful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Himself! When we turn our attention, trust, faith to Christ we are entering into His victory through the cross and He will endure the trials and adversity through us. It is a faith transaction with our faithful God; He promises to provide "a way of escape" no matter how unbearable it feels...our job is to trust His faithfulness and grace through the trial.

Remember, Paul understands this from personal experience. Paul had a major illness he described as a "thorn in the flesh" (2 Cor. 12:7-10)...many believe he had severe problems with his eyes. Paul asked God to heal him as we all would in that situation. God instead gave him another way of escape...His grace. Paul could endure because God's grace is sufficient. Christ has already overcome trials and temptation in this life, we simply need to rest in His grace as Paul did and enter into Christ's victory by faith. When we scheme and try and devise our own escape routes from various trials, we often wind up in a worse or more complicated predicament.

You endure the trial and/or adversity and experience victory over the unique temptations that come with it through dependence on our victorious Christ.

“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” (James 1:2-3 NAS95S).

Now, in terms of some practical examples, remember that you're not the odd man out in terms of problems:

If your marriage is in trouble, God is still faithful; don't think you're the only one going through this type of trial.
If you're out of work or your career is going nowhere, God is still faithful and many are in the same boat as you are.
If your finances are going south and you just don't know what to do, God is still faithful.

Each one of the above circumstances or trials will have unique temptations that come with the territory and are all "common to man". It's possible that any of the above or many others I could mention will seemingly bring you to the end of your rope and feel like they are more than you can bear...that's OK, the faster the better. Once you let go of your rope and trust your loving Savior Who is always faithful, you have found the "way of escape" to endure it "in Christ"...His Life working in and through you in the midst of the trial. Since HE is "[providing] the way of escape", why not trust the Provider vs. going your own way; His grace is ALWAYS sufficient no matter what happens.

Trials and adversity hurt, there's no question about that. Trusting Christ in the midst of difficulty and hardship is not easy (just look around in your average church if you don't believe me). As 1 Corinthians 10:14 reminds us, “Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.” Depending on anything or anyone else is what got Israel in trouble...let's learn from their mistake and trust Christ no matter what the circumstance. Always remember...He is faithful.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28 NAS95S)

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1Pet 5:6-7 NAS95S)

“but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1Cor 15:57 NAS95S)

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith." (1John 5:4 NAS95S)


Just got back on Twitter as vterrell. Still not sure how I will use it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A new song, but I need your help!

Hey guys...I could use your help! I wrote a song a few years back with one problem...I never put it to music! If anyone is inclined to take these lyrics and put them to music, I would be grateful (and if you use a Mac and Garageband, Logic or other Mac software that's a double blessing!). I was actually playing around in Garageband with my son who, as many of you know, is diagnosed with Autism/Aspergers...we were really having a great time. After we finished our time together, the Lord brought me back to these lyrics that I penned in 2005. I made some minor changes but did not want to file it away for another few years w/o asking others for help in bringing it to life with music. Let me know what you think and we'll trust God for the outcome.

Stand Firm
© 2005, 2009 by Vernon Terrell

Stand firm in the freedom where Christ set you free
don't yield to the lie that you once believed
the truth of your victory must capture your heart
you are loved and accepted, for Him set apart

stand firm...stand firm

You are His new creation
you are holy and pure
not by your works but His grace

You are righteous and holy
you're complete in His love
Stand firm in His wonderful grace

His grace is unending His love never fails
life everlasting through you does prevail
you are not just a sinner but a saint by design
now walk in His victory where chains can not bind

Power and might from the strength of His hand.
strongholds will crumble at His one command
Living His life through the saints to declare
that life is worth living when Jesus is there

stand firm...stand firm

You are His new creation
you are holy and pure
not by your works but His grace

You are righteous and holy
you're complete in His love
Stand firm in His wonderful grace

perhaps some music only and spoken Scripture verses....

Walking by faith and believing the truth
A world that needs to see Jesus in you
You can't afford to keep going your way
So throw off the chains and trust Him today

You are His new creation
you are holy and pure
not by your works but His grace

You are righteous and holy
you're complete in His love
Stand firm in His wonderful grace

stand firm...stand firm

You are His new creation
you are holy and pure
not by your works but His grace

You are righteous and holy
you're complete in His love
Stand firm in His wonderful grace

Friday, January 2, 2009

Salvation Police

I just saw an internet video talking about "unsaved believers" (people who trusted Christ but are not actually saved)...don't believe it! Granted, there are those who claim to be Christians who have never trusted Christ's death, burial and resurrection as payment for their sin but this video attempts to minimize faith in Christ and scare folks into righteous behavior by telling them they are not really "saved" unless they are living right. Remember, man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart (1 Sam 16:7) are important but they are not the defining issue around a person's salvation. Over the last 30 years I've seen all kinds of "salvation police" telling folks they are not really saved 'cause they haven't met some standard of consistent behavior...don't get fooled by these folks. God's grace is so amazing and so free to all who will receive it that some well meaning people get scared and try to help out God (they don't want to espouse "cheap grace" as they put it). God's grace is most certainly free but in no way cheap (it cost Christ everything). Grace and freedom in Christ can be scary; let God take responsibility for each His beloved children and don't fall into the "salvation police" trap. Love, encourage and build up each other in the faith.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Walk Through the Bible Rap

I found this video on God Tube...ok, it's not "exactly" a complete overview of the Bible but in less than a minute you get the highlights. I call it a modern day "Walk Through the Bible" rap (well, if you want accuracy I'd stick with "Walk Through the Bible" but you have to admit these guys do a pretty good job in under a minute).