Monday, August 11, 2008

Freedom From Addiction by Mike & Julia Quarles and Neil Anderson

I’ve known Mike and Julia Quarles for a pretty good while...we’ve had lunches, dinners, produced podcasts and more but I have never read their book cover to cover until now. You have got to read this book.

Part 1 (the first seven chapters) has Mike sharing his personal struggles with alcohol addiction...a seminary student and Pastor as well as successful stock broker, his private life was no where near “successful”. Mike shares his struggles, his attempts at solving this drinking problem and his repeated failure. His wife Julia also shares what she was going through during this get both perspectives and trust me, God was working in both their lives through this horrible situation.

Mike tried everything he could think of, like most of us would, to fix this problem. AA, treatment centers, healing sessions, psychologists, pastoral counseling, accountability... in fact, he lists 30 specific strategies all in his attempt to get free. He soon discovered that it’s the truth that set’s us free...the truth of the cross. We often hear that one has to hit rock bottom before one can experience freedom and there is truth in that statement...brokenness is key, but brokenness without truth will simply lead to hopelessness.

Neil Anderson, in Part 2 of this book, provides his insight on the issues of addiction and spiritual bondage. With insights garnered from Mike’s experience, Dr. Anderson begins his part of the book with “The Making of an Addict” and continues providing insight around our needs, our victory, the battle for our mind and body and more. At the back of this book is Dr. Anderson’s “Steps to Freedom in Christ” which takes you “step by step” through God’s truth that will set you free.

If you are struggling with addictive behaviors, check out this book and check out Mike’s web site at

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