Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Freedom From Addictive Behaviors Basic Webinar for 2011

The next installment of webinars will begin in January 2011 beginning with the Freedom From Addictive Behaviors Basic Webinar on January 11 (click here for more information). Mike and I have decided to concentrate on one webinar at a time beginning with the basic in January followed by the advanced sometime in March/April 2011. These are free webinars taught by Mike Quarles that I believe will help you understand more around your freedom in Christ.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Amazing young voice singing Amazing Grace

This young girl has an incredible the music video.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Abide in Christ

Check out the embedded video on abiding in Christ.

TruthNHim Video Series

Just launched a new video teaching series called "TruthNHim"; you can find it on YouTube under the "LiveNHim" channel. TruthNHim videos are short teaching videos on specific verses or topics in Scripture centered around God's grace and our new life in Christ. Our first one focuses on Abiding in Christ (an often misunderstood concept and overcomplicated by many). I hope you enjoy the series. Come check us out on

Sunday, April 18, 2010

North Point Online - Church wherever you are

Just finished watching North Point Online (Twitter - @NPonline) via my iPhone while waiting to be seen at Northside Urgent Care. I love our church...check out

North Point Online

Friday, April 16, 2010

Grace Walk Recovery Leadership Training

Are you looking to help others who struggle with addictive behaviors via your church, organization or even one-on-one? Mike Quarles, Director of Grace Walk Recovery Ministries, is hosting an 11 week webinar series beginning April 27, 2010. If you're interested, please register at

The Webinar is taught by Mike Quarles, Director of Grace Walk Recovery Ministry and assisted by Vernon Terrell. Mike, and his wife Julia, are co-authors with Dr. Neil Anderson of four books on freedom from addiction. Mike is a former pastor who struggled with alcoholism for 8 years. He is an ordained minister and a seminary graduate. Vernon is a Senior Director at a large telecom firm and has ministered to others for more than 30 years (check out for his bio under About Us).

The Webinar’s purpose is to give you a biblical understanding of the problem of addiction and God’s answer. It is also designed to train you to take a group through the course using the Freedom From Addiction Workbook with the same PowerPoint Slides. The Webinar will take you though the Freedom From Addiction book and Workbook by Neil Anderson and Mike and Julia. Each Webinar will cover a chapter in the 200 page Freedom From Addiction Workbook; be advised it will require a lot of motivation and effort. There is no cost, but you will need to buy the book and workbook (at your local Christian book store,, or simply e-mail Mike).

In the Webinar you will learn God's answer for addiction, which is freedom in Christ; you will also learn to discern the flesh patterns which are rooted in lies that have developed into strongholds and result in addiction. The primary focus is on the "truth that sets free". The Webinar will teach you who you are in Christ and what you have in Christ, which is all you need to experience the freedom provided for you though the finished work of Christ.

INTRODUCTION – The finished work of Christ provides freedom.
How You Got Where You
What Keeps You in Bondage
Giving up on self
Understanding the Gospel and Your Heavenly Father
Our Identity in Christ
Freedom From Fear
Freedom From the Past and Victory Over Sin
Freedom From Performance-based Acceptance
The Battle for the Mind
Growing in Grace

This Webinar is held every week on Tuesday, from:
Apr 27, 2010 to Jul 6, 2010 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT

Register Now at:

Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the Webinar.

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP, 2003 Server or 2000

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newer

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Marriage Tips NOT to follow

OK...this was very humorous (found it on Marriage tips NOT to follow. Check it out.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My faith or God's gift?

Just added this to the FAQ seems to be coming up a bit more. I haven't added much to the FAQs in a long time so thought this would be fitting. It is a simple and short response to a question I hear often...undoubtably an insufficient answer to such a big theological question but none the less, here it is.

My faith or God's gift?
OK, this is a loaded question. The answer is, in my opinion, both. I won't get into the many, many years of theological debate re: predestination vs. free will (I've provided a few thoughts on the subject elsewhere). In general, we all have the God given ability to believe or have faith as a function of our will. Some would say our mind and will are tainted by sin and bend away from faith in Christ, thus God gives us His faith to believe (or chooses to make us righteous so we can believe thus the predestination angle). I take a slightly different approach…"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself" (John 12:32 NAS95S). I believe that God is drawing ALL men to Himself as a result of Christ's work on the cross. ALL men, however, must then choose to believe (and many will not). Some might argue that type of faith, as I have defined it, is a work of man and we all know "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph 2:8-9 NAS95S). The sticking point here is that the word “gift” is not referencing "faith" but rather His grace and salvation. Salvation is not a work we do it is a gift of God that we receive by faith.

justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ. Jesus” (Rom 3:24 NAS95S)...note that the "justification" is the gift here as a result of the cross.

“For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the
gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” (Rom 5:17 NAS95S)...note that "righteousness" is the gift that we "receive".

One other thought…God has also defined faith in the scriptures as choosing to believe. “But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness” (Rom 4:5 NAS95S). "Believes in Him" is defined as "his faith" and further defined as "the one who does not work". Believing is not a work, it is called faith.

So, my faith or God's gift?…how 'bout BOTH.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New poem for those grieving a loss

After another one of my friends husband just passed away this weekend, I felt compelled to write a short poem expressing some thoughts and feelings around such a loss (listed with other poems at

A Final Breath

A final breath upon this earth, a light once bright has dimmed;
the one I love has taken flight yet questions still remain.

Reason can not understand, my faith once strong has waned;
goals and dreams are put on hold while questions still remain.

Why did God allow this pain? What kind of plan is this?
Where suffering takes center stage amidst omnipotence.

Although I do not understand, I've heard all this before;
My Father shared His Story of the Son that He adored.

A Son so pure who never sinned who lived beyond reproach;
yet nailed upon a roman cross, it seemed all hope was lost.

No one knew nor understood the plan of God that day,
how death upon that rugged cross won life and victory.

Resurrected from the grave with arms held open wide,
our Lord now welcomes all His kids back home when it is time.

Questions may not go away and answers may not come,
the only rest we'll ever find is turning to the Son.

Omnipotence has never left, the sovereign King still reigns;
He holds the one I loved so much and ends the suffering.

Though I may never understand this loss that grieves my soul,
I can take comfort in the fact my Father's in control.

by Vernon Terrell

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Setting Your Mind Rack Card Available in eStore

I just made available a new 4x9 rack card titled "Setting Your Mind" that I hope you will find helpful. I have inserted the text on the back of the card below since the graphic on the web may be hard to read. These cards are designed as discipleship follow-up resources; of course, they can simple be used as personal reminders of the truth they attempt to describe. As long as these cards can help some of you in whatever way God leads, that's good enough for me. Have a great week. --Vernon

--------------------------Back of the Setting Your Mind Rack Card-------------------------------------

Setting our mind on things above can be a challenge in the world in which we live, especially when so many “voices” bombard our daily thinking. As the diagram suggests, we should be mindful what input we allow into our thinking (easier said than done)! Of course, I do not advocate living in a cave, but in an age of nearly unlimited information and entertainment outlets we should be wise regarding what we choose to read, watch and listen (not in a legalistic way, just common sense...creating artificial rules is not the key to victorious living). Since we can’t really stop all the input, we should focus our attention on what we can do in the area of our thoughts. At a very high level our mind and brain will take most of the raw input and catalog, draw inferences, build relationships and store it for further processing. Some thoughts we simply dismiss; others we pause and take time to process and the rest we accept as true (they are consistent with our current belief system). All of these pass through filters we’ve developed over time. Many are filtered through conclusions developed in our growing up years (these personal, social and cultural filters are like assumptions we rarely question but perhaps should). Some thoughts run through our religious filter that supposedly keeps us on the straight and narrow (God, however, might be walking on a completely different path). Filters aren’t necessarily bad, in fact, they are universal and are an outgrowth of our belief system. The question is, “what are YOU believing?” and more importantly, “is it TRUE?” Our thoughts can be very powerful and may trigger emotional responses that reinforce our thinking in the current direction of an emotional storm...we get caught up and unable to escape the fast current. Emotions can also settle into emotional states and spiral downward in a seemingly endless cycle of emotional defeat. Emotions are not bad, they simply respond to our thinking and are a vital part of God’s creation. What thoughts are driving your emotions? Are they true? Setting our mind on things above is the idea of thinking from God’s perspective, not our own fleshly point of view. As we align our belief system with the Truth of God’s Word and trust the Spirit of God to guide our thinking we better filter this enormous input, calm many of the emotional storms and make behavior choices consistent with the righteous person we are in Christ!

“For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,” (Romans 8:6)

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
(Romans 12:2)

“and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32)