Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Freedom Focus Podcast

Mike Quarles and I are meeting on Thursday to discuss recording some more FreedomFocus podcasts (we received some good comments when we recorded the shows and even more recently have received repeated requests to continue). We're thinking about a 20 minute format that's a bit more informal...still in the discussion phase. More to come I'm sure...thanks for your support.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love is a verb

Our Pastor has begun a new message series titled "Staying in Love"...if you enjoy listening to Andy Stanley you will really like this first message. Andy forced me to look at my own actions to determine if my behaviors are "loving", not just if I feel "love". Often the community of grace will shy away from a focus on "doing" (and justifiably so as doing in our culture often mistakenly equates to a higher level of spirituality or intimacy with God)...let me offer some words of encouragement from my personal floundering in this area beginning with a question, how are you loving your spouse right now (I had to ask myself that question, and I didn't like the answer)? Proactive acts of love (a hug, kiss, act of service, genuine conversation, sacrifice, et. al) are a major ingredient for finishing strong in your marriage. Are you trapped by the lie of reciprocity as I was that says "if she did, I would", standing firm in your house made of sand? I'm glad our Savior had a different model...He FIRST loved us and demonstrated that love through the cross. For me, the lie included a component where my spouse must earn my love that also included withholding my love until she measured up to my expectations (I know, pretty sorry...it's just the ugly, fleshly truth). If you relate in any way to that sorry way of thinking, make a decision today to reignite your love (ask God for His grace to "love through you"...He IS Love)...take "actions" to save your marriage and/or make it even stronger. Remember that love in the scripture is a verb, not a thing to obtain or emotional place to long for...feelings and emotions will eventually follow when you make the choice to love your spouse.